GlobalSign Url Verification

Service URL:

This method allows the user to GlobalSign URL verification

Request Parameters

Field Name Description Type Required
LoginEmail CheapSSLShop Login Email String (Max Length : 200) Yes
ApiKey CheapSSLShop API Key String (Max Length : 100) Yes
OrderNumber CheapSSLShop Order Number Integer Yes
UrlDomainName Url Domain Names String Yes

Response Parameters

Field Name Description Type
CertificateStatus Certification Status of CSR String
DomainName Domain Name of CSR String
StartDate Start Date of CSR DateTime
EndDate End Date of CSR DateTime
IntermediateCertificate Intermediate Certificate of CSR String
RootCertificate Root Certification of CSR String
ServerCertificatePKCS7 PKCS7 Certificate String
ServerCertificateX509 X509 Certificate String
ErrorNumber Error Number Integer
ErrorField Error Field String
ErrorMessage Description of errors String
StatusCode Status Code of Response
0 = Method is executed successfully.
-1 = There is an Error in Response.