Sectigo Code Signing Certificate

Sectigo Code Signing Certificate is an Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate enabling you to sign your software applications digitally, assuring users that the software files you share are genuine and that your code is unaltered. Avoid “Unknown Publisher” warnings and increase user trust.

Brand Sectigo
Validation Organization Validation
Issuance Time 1-3 Business Days
Algorithm 256-Bit SHA-2
USB Token + Shipping Paid
Instant MS SmartScreen Filter NO
Two-factor Authentication Yes
Verified Publisher Yes
Microsoft Office & Microsoft VBA Yes
Microsoft Authenticode Signing Yes
Reissuance NO
RM 2971.60
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Organization Validation

Issuance in 1-3 Business Days

Up to 256 bit Encryption

Verified Publisher

Supported Platforms

Our code signing certificates serve a variety of functions, and they can be used to sign apps or softwares for Apple platforms, Java, Mozilla object files, Adobe Air, and Microsoft Office Macro, VBA & much more.
Windows 8.0 and later
Windows 8.0 and later
Internet Explorer 9 and later
Internet Explorer 9 and later
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Silverlight applications
Microsoft Silverlight applications
MS Office Macro and VBA
MS Office Macro and VBA
Mozilla object files
Mozilla object files
Java Applets
Java Applets
Apple applications
Apple applications and plug-ins
Adobe Air
Adobe Air
Microsoft Authenticode
Microsoft Authenticode

Trusted by Leading Companies Globally

Trusted by Leading Companies
4.8/5 star
overall satisfaction rating
4273 reviews
from actual customers at
Simple and easy process, this is the second wildcard certificate purchased in the last month.
Super prices, easy and efficient process of ordering and generating the required certificates
Rajagopal G / Tamil Nadu, India
At present, the checkout process is smooth and there has been no operation to generate the certificate yet. We will check again later